These Terms of Use or hereby referred to as “Terms,” provide the conditions for using the Growthlok website, hereby referred to as “Site.” Please go through the Terms before you start using the Site. By using the Site, you are expressing your agreement to all conditions outlined in terms of Use. If you have any objections to these Terms, then please refrain from using the Site. The Terms can go through changes at any time and can take effect after they are posted on the Site.
Users can refer to the privacy statement for disclosures regarding the collection and use of their personal information. All the content available on the Site is under the ownership of Growthlok. Any type of reproduction or redistribution of the content without the written authorization of Growthlok is strictly prohibited by law. Growthlok alone is responsible for coordinating, selecting, arranging, and enhancing the content on its Site. The Site does not make any claims regarding suitability of content on the Site for other purposes.
As per the Terms of Use of the Site, you will not utilize the Site for any unlawful purpose. You also agree not to use the Site for other conditions deemed unlawful according to the Terms of Use. The Terms of Use could also help you find implications of having links to third-party websites and website modifications. All the claims and disputes related to these Terms of Use come under jurisdiction of federal, state, and local courts.